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Code of Conduct

If you have any questions about our Code of Conduct, please email us directly:
(541) 754-3010
A Code of Conduct is a document that provides clear expectations regarding the behaviour of staff, volunteers, participants, and parents/guardians/support workers in any program or activity connected to Spectrum Quest. 

Codes of Conduct make behavioural rules clear and provide appropriate boundaries to help us form healthy groups and be a sustainable organisation. By participating in any Spectrum Quest activity you are considered to have agreed to abide by this Code of Conduct. It is provided below in 3 formats, please contact us if you need assistance to read it.

Participants or parents with accessibility needs may prefer to read our Simplified Code of Conduct
Spectrum Quest Code of Conduct Acrobat (PDF)Spectrum Quest Code of Conduct Microsoft Word (DOC)Spectrum Quest Code of Conduct Open Doc (ODT)
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