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role playing games for social gains

Spectrum Quest's Purpose Overview

If you have any questions about Spectrum Quest please email us directly:
(541) 754-3010
The following is an overview of who Spectrum Quest is, and why we do what we do. It is broken up into 4 segments of: Vision, mission, values, and methodology. While these 4 elements do overlap in their purpose, they can be considered to follow on one from the other.


“We envision a world where every person has access to communicate and connect with other people.”

With this vision, Spectrum Quest has a mission to see this world come about. You can read more about our vision here:
Spectrum Quest Vision (PDF)


“To run tabletop role playing games to support the growth of those with challenges in relational, social, and mental development, and inner well-being.”
(Or in short: “Role Playing Games for social gains”)

With our vision in mind, this is our mission, which we execute using certain methods that remain true to our values. You can read more about our mission here:
Spectrum Quest Mission (PDF)


“Honesty, Accountability, Excellence, Empowerment”

These values inform our methodology, and help inform our actions in unique situations which our methodology does not address. You can read more about our values, along with examples of how our values play out, here:
Spectrum Quest Values (PDF)


Our methodology is all of the details. What game system we use. How long the sessions run for. Processes for running the game. And so on. Our methodology is a much more extensive element of our purpose, and as such, needs more time to be written out. We will endeavor to provide an overview of our methodology at a later date.
Alchemic Design
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